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  • Alan Crist

To Stream or Not - Either way, COVID sucks!!

I've had people ask if I would do a live stream performance. Some have said they want to support my music. Here is what I have to say about that: I understand many people like computers, internet, Tick Tock Tweety stuff, but I am an 89 year old in a 39 year old body. I really don't like the digital world although our current situation is very virtual. I get it. For me, I think the best musical experience for anyone is to listen to a record of the artist.

Journals is my most favorite record I have made to date. I have released solo or as a band member 8 records, and by far this one says ME most of all. So I invite anyone reading this to listen to my album rather than wait for an online performance. If you want to support my music, please purchase my album from this website, or, in the very least, stream it via Spotify or Amazon.

Since February 2020, we have all had to adjust. My heart goes out to all musicians, crew members, service industry, and the like during this pandemic. Maybe it will create a newfound appreciation for those who create the art in this world. I hope so.

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